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Hi there! Let's talk about salaries

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Historisk bonus




46 609,00 kr


71 206,00 kr


56 673,00 kr


85 358,00 kr

You get a bonus, you get a bonus! Everyone gets a boooonuuuus! 💰💰💰

Variant pays out a bonus to all employees every quarter. The bonus is calculated as 30% of the profit for this quarter, divided equally among all employees. In other words, it doesn't matter if you're fresh out of school or the managing director. This applies from the first day of work.

We can't say anything about how much it will be in the future, but we can tell you what we've had before.

Pension? Pension!

We don't feel old at all here at Variant. However, we are committed to a good pension. We have chosen pension savings that go far beyond the statutory 2%.

Pensions are not always easy to think about, especially not in the beginning. But it's an important thing to think about, especially for young people who are less likely to have their pensions covered by the state in the future.

Pensions can actually make up a large part of your salary, and it's basically extra savings that your workplace makes for you. It is therefore important to include it in calculations of conditions.

Variant pays 7% of your annual salary up to 12G extra towards your pension savings.

Salary Growth

A high starting salary is a start, but with increasing annual costs, we are equally dependent on having good salary growth. This is often something you have to negotiate and you don't know when signing a new contract. However, because of our salary model, we can give some likely figures.

We have a completely open and equal salary model in Variant, which is based on the number of years since you graduated. The salary is based on Tekna's annual statistics. This has some clear advantages, such as avoiding salary negotiations, ensuring good salary growth and, not least, allowing early salary adjustments.

In the event of a change of year, you will receive new seniority which will give you an automatic salary increase. Since it happens so early, it can also mean that you earn more during the year compared to if the salary increase takes place at summer time as in some other places.

No more difficult salary negotiations - no one liked them! Good pay and good pay growth as a standard!

PS: We count and parental leave as experience. 👶 🍼

Variant takes the whole Christmas season off! 🎅🏻

Christmas is for family and friends. And you should not have to use up your vacation days. In 2024, there are 4 days that you can use for a longer summer vacation, that's it! These are days that are not considered vacation, but are paid as regular salary.

The small and big things

Dette er et uttrekk fra den åpne håndboka vår. Om du er nysgjerrig på hvordan ting er i praksis er det mer enn nok innhold å dypdykke i der.

  • Gadgetbudsjett på 12 000 kr i året.
  • Dekt telefonabonnement.
  • Dekt bredbånd hjemme opp til 500 kr i måneden.
  • Treningsmedlemskap eller treningsutstyr opp til 500 kr i måneden. 👟🏋️🎿


  • Full lønn under permisjon. NAV dekker opp til 744 168 (6G). Variant tar seg av resten.
  • Dersom du ikke har spart opp nok til å få foreldrepenger av NAV dekker Variant halve permisjonen.
  • Betalt 2 uker permisjon for partner etter fødsel.
  • 2 dager til barnehagetilvenning.
  • Utvidede rettigheter til egenmelding og sykepenger. Du kan ta enkeltdager som egenmelding uten at du "mister" dager (les: som en IA-bedrift).
  • Ansatte som er i foreldrepermisjon eller som er sykemeldte får full bonus og ansiennitet.
  • Reiseforsikring for deg og din familie.🚂
  • God behandlingsforsikring.

Fag og sosialt

  • En konferanse, kurs eller tilsvarende i året. Så mange du vil om du snakker på de.
  • Du kan selvfølgelig kjøpe alle bøker og digitale kurs du ønsker i løpet av året. Vi lever trossalt av kunnskap.
  • Årlig Varianttur med ledsager/venn/følge (fra tidligere: London, Øye, Kragerø, København).
  • Julebord med ledsager/venn/følge.